Loven om Karma

Karma var tema på Utpustkvelden 6.2, og derfor legger jeg ut notatene mine fra kvelden her. Håper flere kan få nytte av det og syns at Universets kosmiske lover er spennende. De 12 lovene om Karma faller inn under den 6. av de 7 store kosmiske lovene: Loven om årsak og virkning. Jeg har en egen blogg litt lenger inn i bloggrullen om disse. 💛

12 Laws of Karma

1.      The great law or the law of cause and effect.

Whatever thoughts or energy you put out, you get back — good or bad.


2.      The law of creation.

Life doesn’t only happen to us, but for us. You are the Creator and the Creation.


3.      The law of humility.  

Humbleness. Acceptance of current reality.


4.      The law of growth.

Growth starts within us. The only control we have. Shape yourself first and then shape the world.


5.      The law of responsibility.

What happens to you is because of you. You are the product of the choices you make.


6.      The law of connection.

Everything in your life, including your past, present, and future, are connected.


7.      The law of focus.

Concentrate on one thing at a time. High frequent focus.


8.      The law of giving and hospitality.

Your actions, reflecting your deeper beliefs.


9.      The law of here and now. 

To experience peace of mind, you must embrace the present.


10.  The law of change.

History will continue to repeat itself until you learn from the experience and take steps to do something differently to stop the cycle.

11.  The law of patience and reward

Be consistent in your goals, and they will come to fruition.


12.  The law of significance and inspiration

You have been born with a specific gift, mission, and purpose that only you can bring into the world with your uniqueness.

How people act/speak to you is their Karma. How you react/respond is yours.


The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion, the tunnel is
Hanne Østhagen