Grid and gate keepers

Notater fra Utpust 17.4

The Earth’s Crystalline Grid is a multidimensional grid of the ascended Earth, holding the template for a 5D New Earth.

It is an etheric network of facetted light, portals, vortexes and access points covering the entire Earth’s energetic field. The crystalline grid is a network much like the human nervous system, transmitting signals of light frequencies connecting all beings of Earth with multidimensional timelines of Earth’s creation, past, present and future. The crystalline grid is the higher dimensional geometric structure anchoring the 5D ascended New Earth consciousness. The crystalline grid connects all beings and our planet with cosmic forces and other dimensional realms. In becoming multidimensional beings, like we were back in Lemuria, we as a collective will align with the crystalline grid, downloading and integrating ascension codes for activating our etheric crystalline light bodies and raising the vibration of Earth to unite in the 5D ascended New Earth paradise.

The crystalline grid is a network for us to tune in to the multidimensional galactic communities here to assist us in ascending to higher dimensions, opening new channels of telepathic communication.

When we sync with the crystalline grid we become activated, a beacon for the network of higher light frequency to transmit through us codes for ascension, amplifying the grid’s “broadcast” signal.

We can connect to the planetary crystal grid and download light codes, navigational coordinates and energy maps, essentially the blueprints for Ascension. We can ground these downloads into the physical from the etheric, to integrate the guidance and direction for our mission here on Earth now, to serve the healing and awakening of the planet.

By connecting with the Earth’s crystalline grid we can:

  • Unite with other Lightworkers and with our star families and spirit guides

  • Send love and healing energy to the collective

  • Download ascension codes for telepathy and developing our intuitive abilities

  • Download codes for assisting in planetary healing

  • Assist in raising the vibration of self and others

  • Activate our crystalline light body

  • Interdimensional travel

  • Help the collective mass awakening and ascension to New Earth

To synch with the crystalline grid we seek access points. These access points can be found at Sacred Sites around the world acting as portals or gateways to the crystalline grid. These gateways and portals are not permanent to a physical location but can be accessed within each of us. A gateway or portal can be conjured through focused intention, meditation, astral travel and opening channels to higher consciousness.

There are crystals within the Earth that receive and transmit energy through the crystalline grid network. The crystalline grid network consists of infinitely repeating geometric pathways, creating a multidimensional structure of light. When many pathways converge, an access point or vortex manifests. Our ancient ancestors were aware of these energy vortexes and aligned their sacred monuments with them. The crystalline grid is not fixed in 3D time and space, the way we are familiar with experiencing reality. The grid exists multidimensional and can only be described as infinite, as to us in 3D we are limited by our sensory perceptions to fully fathom multidimensional reality. As we awaken and consciously participate in the massive paradigm shift taking place, we start to feel and experience an inner knowing of what 5D reality is like. By aligning with the Earth’s crystalline grid and anchoring the light codes, raising our vibration and activating our crystalline light body, we will come into knowing and experiencing the 5D New Earth energy.

Major portals, access point to the crystalline grid, are known to be at Sacred Sites around the world. Mount Kailash in Tibet, Machu Picchu in Peru, The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, Stonehenge in the UK, Mount Shasta in California, and Sedona in Arizona are some of most popular sites right now. But there are many many others around the world, and more being discovered. Remember, you do not have to go to these sites in person to access portals and gateways to higher dimensions and to connect with the crystalline grid. You can conjure a portal or stargate anywhere, anytime.


Hanne Østhagen